Part 34 (1/2)

Renaissance. Oliver Bowden 75930K 2022-07-22

- What do you mean?

”As the drive out of here, we relax ... just momenthane, to regroup and treat the wounded. It was inChecco tonka when struck. They must have it all planneddo! Stormed the city. I fought against him in a melee fight very hard, but his soldiers surprised me by itPalda and beat me. Ezio, I have to ask you now to demonstratethree your courage: Checco has been the fruit of Eden!

Ezio was stunned for a long time. And then he said, slowlymind: - What? No. .. that can not be. He looked like a madman to thearound-. Where has it gone?

”As he had what he wanted, he retreated with his men and the army was divided. We could not see which group had the Fruit of Eden and the battle had weakened us so that we could not go in pursuit. But we did see in per Checcoperson leading a company into the mountains of western ...

”Then all is lost? Ezio cried, thinking that IDovico was right, that it underestimated the Orsi.

”We continue to maintain the map, thank G.o.d,” said Caterina. He dared not waste time searching.

”But why? If you already have the Fruit of Eden, and no necessarylocated necessarylocated Map! Map!

”We can not allow the Templars succeed Machiavelli said sorry. They can not! We must go!

But Ezio saw that his friend was getting paler as a result of his injuries.

”No, you stay here. Caterina! Take care of him. Now I must go! Maybe still time!

Chapter 23.

Although he had spent the day riding and just had destired to change the saddle, took a long time Ezio LLEgar to the Apennines, and when he did, he knew that the search ChecOrsi co would take even longer. But if Checco had returned to the headquarters of his family in Nubilaria could interconcepts in the path which led from there to the south, in the long and windingso road leading to Rome. Checco no guarantee that would not have gone directly to the Holy See, but Ezio considered that, with a load as valuable as the fruit of Eden, his opponent would seek safety first somewhere where we met him, and from there sent messengers to find out if the Spanish hadBia returned to the Vatican before contacting him.

Ezio, therefore, decided to follow the path Nubilaria and secretly entered the city, set out to discover all possiblemation on the whereabouts of Checco. But Checco had spies everywhere, and heard Ezio knew immediately that I was looking forfraud and thought from the Fruit of Eden in a caravan integratesprovides for two carriages to escape from him and foil his plans.

The morning he was scheduled to depart Checco, Ezio monto guard near the south gate of Nubilaria and shortly after saw appear the two carriages were waiting. Ezio mounted his horse ready to pursue them, but at the last moment appeared in a side street a third carriage, more ligero, led by a follower of Orsi, who deliberately blockedately over, scaring his horse, which stood on its hind legs and threw him to the ground. With time running out, Ezio was forced to abandon his horse and, jumped up, jumped up, perched on the carriage of Orsi, driving the same driver with a single blow. He cracked the whip on horses and enterprisinggave chase. perched on the carriage of Orsi, driving the same driver with a single blow. He cracked the whip on horses and enterprisinggave chase.

Not long in sight of his opponent cars, but they saw it too and accelerated. Down the whole machinena by treacherous mountain road, the carriage escort Checco, loaded with soldiers of the Orsi preparing to fire their crossbows against Ezio, took a sharp curve with excessive speed. The horses followed the path and drew the curve, but the carriage, with its steering axis disappeared and lost, went straight towards the cliff and have yards and yards rolledta impact on the valley floor. Holding his breath, Ezio thanked fate for his goodness. Urged his horse to go forward, afraid of being forcedidols too, and that their coburst reasons, but pulled his weight than the animalsChecco evils of carriage and, little by little, they were shortening the distance that separated him from his prey.

When Ezio got to its height, the driver waved him Orsiishment against him, but Ezio took it and threw it down. Then, at the right time, dropped the reins and jumped from his carriage hasta the roof of Checco. The horses of his carriage, dams PAmail, released by both weightl driver control is desbocaron and ran out of sight.

- Get the h.e.l.l out of here! Shouted the coachman Checco, alarmed-. In G.o.d's name, what do you think you're doing? Are you crazy?

But stripped of the whip, it was very difficult to control their horses. I could not afford to fight.

Checco screaming from the inside of the carriage.

- Do not be silly, Ezio! It'll never leave! ”Sticking out the window half-length, rammed the sword while Ezioafter the driver frantically tried to control the horses-. Get out of my carriage! Right now!

The driver then tried to swerve the CarruEzio je to fall, but he grabbed with all his might. The coach changed direction dangerously and finally, when they pa.s.sed an abandoned marble quarry, is descompletely controlled, turned sideways and threw the driver withwork a lot of marble blocks and size fits alltwo in their day by miners and later abandoned by defects in the stone. The horses reared and kicked terrifiestwo. Ezio jumped down, landed in a squatting position and prepared to receive the sword Checco, without foodent but unharmed, also leftalso the vehicle, the anger reflected in her features.

”Deliver the Fruit of Eden, Checco. It's over.

- Idiot! End End when you're when you're dead! dead! -Checco waved his sword against his opponent and immediately got into a fight attacking dangerously against each other near the steep edge of the road. -Checco waved his sword against his opponent and immediately got into a fight attacking dangerously against each other near the steep edge of the road.

”Deliver the Fruit of Eden, Checco, and let you go. You have no idea the power you have with that!

”I never give it to you. And when I get my Master, shall hold a power never dreamed of, and Lodovico and I enjoy that part of it belongs to us!

- Lodovico is dead! And you really think your teacher will keep you alive when it is no use for it? You know too much!

- What did you kill my brother? So this this is for you, for him! -Checco lunged Ezio. is for you, for him! -Checco lunged Ezio.

Got into a fight, leaves fuming, and again reached Checco Ezio, although the metal s.h.i.+eld deflected the blow of the sword. The fact that his wise it would not hit the target down for a moment Checco guard, but recoveredRo quickly and struck a stab in the right arm of Ezio which caused a cut so deep in the biceps that forced him to drop the sword.

Checco gave a hoa.r.s.e cry of triumph and approached the tip of his sword to the throat of Ezio.

”Do not beg mercy,” said- for I do not give it.

And his arm back ready to deal a mortal blowsuch. But at that moment, Ezio powered mechanism forearmzo left that drew the double-edged dagger, and turning round with the speed of lightning, plunged into the chest of Checco.

Checco remained motionless for a long moment and looked down to see the blood that fell on the white ground of the road. Dropped his sword and fell on top of Ezio, holding him in his attempt to stand. Their faces were found to scale're inches from each other.

”I return to have your prize, ”he whispered, as blood gushed from his chest.

- Do you really thinkad that was worthwhile?Ezio asked-. Such carnage!

Checco made a sound that reminded one of a smilebetween teeth, or maybe it was a cough, as the blood flowed with increasing abundance of his mouth.

”Look, Ezio, you know how hard it is to be kept in your possession for a long time something like this so valuable. -Intempted to take air-. I die today, but tomorrow will be you you who dies. who dies.

And at the same time the expression vanished from his face and his eyes were blank, his body fell to the ground at the foot of Ezio.

”I see, my friend, ”said Ezio-. Rest in peace.

I was exhausted. The arm wound would not stop bleeding, but were forced to walk to the chariot and horses calm, releasing the reins. Then inspected the interior of the vehicle and quickly located the box of teak. Opened first and foremost to ensure that the content was safe, then closed it and took it firmly under his arm healthy. He looked toward the quarry where the driver lay inert. It was not necessaryRiver going to see if he had died because the angle of his body broken spoke for itself.

The horses had not gone far and Ezio came toward them, wondering if he had enough strength to ride one and using it to make at least part of the journey back to Forli. Hoping to find everything just as he had left, then keep track Checco had taken longer than expected. In no time, however, had claimed that his workjo would be easy, but finally the Fruit of Eden was back under the control of Murderers. The time dedicated to him had not been in vain.

Horses looked again and decided that the animal who led the coach would be the best of the four. He came over and grabbed the mane to climb into the saddle, because the horse was not ensioped, and in doing so stumbled.

He had lost more blood than I thought. I had to bandage the wound in some way before anything else. He tied his horse to a tree and cut a strip of s.h.i.+rt Checco to improvise a bandage. Then dragged the body out of the way, away from prying eyes. If by chance someone was going, and no fijaba much into detail, I would think Checco and the driver had been victims of a tragic road accident. Although he startedba to be late and few travelers would transit at that hour.

But the effort had exhausted their last resources. ”Even I must rest,” he thought, a very sweet idea. He sat in the shadowshadow of the tree and heard the sound of horse pasturing. Teak set the box on the floor beside her, and took one last look at her thearound. It was the last place you would like to stay a long taskpo, but the eyelids were heavy and did not see the silent watcher hidden by a tree on the knoll that rose above the road behind them.

When Ezio awoke, night had fallen, but the light is bright enough to see a figure moving on iflence near where he was.

It hurt a lot right biceps, but when she incorporatedrars left leaning on the arm, found he could not moview. Someone had approached one of the blocks of marble from the quarry and had used it to immobilize the arm. He endeavored, using his legs to try to get up, but it was impossible. He looked toward the place where he had left the box with the Fruit of Eden.

Had disappeared.

The figure, which was dressed with cappa cappa black and white habitco of a Dominican monk, he realized that he had just woken up and turned to him to better position the block of marblemol and immobilize the arm. Ezio noticed that the monk was missing a finger. black and white habitco of a Dominican monk, he realized that he had just woken up and turned to him to better position the block of marblemol and immobilize the arm. Ezio noticed that the monk was missing a finger.

- Wait!”Said Ezio-. Who are you? What are you doing?