Part 27 (1/2)

But his heart was doing flip-flops. These men were not here just because they were glad to see him, of that he was sure. He probed their minds and even before Panek spoke, he knew.

”The boss sent us to bring you to see him first thing, the boss did,”

Panek's voice was gruff, yet somewhat friendly.

”That's mighty nice of him,” Hanlon tried not to let his feelings show, but to take this as a natural courtesy. But he had so much wanted to get to the bank immediately. ”I was coming to report, of course,” he commented. ”Got a letter for him from Superintendent Philander. Besides, I got a flock of credits coming. Boy, did I earn 'em! That's a stinking, hot planet up there. It'll be good seeing the bright lights again, besides living in a decent climate once more.”

The two men grunted a mysterious laugh, but Panek merely indicated the way to the aircar. Again Hanlon was blindfolded, but now he didn't care--he knew the location of this crater field.

There was silence during most of the trip. Hanlon babbled away at first, but when no one answered him he gradually slowed his words and finally shut up entirely.

His mind probings told him he was in for a rough time, and he got the feeling he was not supposed to be there at all, for some reason.

”Oh, oh!” he thought, almost in panic. ”Something's wrong. Did I slip somewhere? Have they got wind of what I've learned? But how ... how could they?”

Instead of taking him to the back room of the Bacchus, Hanlon found when the blindfold was finally removed that he was in a stone-walled room that he sensed was a sort of cellar in some huge building. It was bare of furniture except for two chairs and the glo-lights, one of which was on a standard like a spotlight.

Before he had time to try to puzzle things out, the door opened and the man he had thought of merely as ”the leader” came in and sat down in one of the chairs. He gestured, and the men pushed Hanlon into the facing seat, and adjusted the glo-light so it shone in his eyes. Then ranged themselves behind him.

”So, you got back?” the Leader said softly.

”Sure,” Hanlon made himself act as though nothing was out of the way, but it was an effort to smile and talk naturally when his mouth was suddenly dry and his nerves tightened almost to the screaming point. ”My time was up, so Mr. Philander sent me back. I've got a letter for you from him.”

He started to reach into his pocket, but Panek slapped his hand down, and snaked the letter out, handing it to the Leader, who opened it and read it silently.

Then the man looked up, his face puzzled. ”You seem to have ... uh ... done very well there,” he said almost pleasantly. ”Our superintendent reports you made an excellent guard. He seems very pleased with you.”

”I told you I'd do everything I could to make good,” Hanlon answered, but now he made his voice sound very aggrieved. ”What's the big idea of all this? Seems like a mighty funny reception, after I tried so hard.

Why that light in my eyes, and those thugs ready to slug me if I bat an eye-lash. It's almost like you don't trust me, or something?”

”I'm still not altogether sure we do,” the Leader said slowly.

”Still harping on that?” Hanlon demanded hotly. ”What makes you think I'm not on the up and up? I worked hard on that stinking hot planet. I got out more ore'n anyone else ever did. And my suggestion about nitrates ...”

”Ah, yes, the matter of the ... uh ... fertilizer. What made you bring that up?”

”The minute I saw those Greenies I guessed they were animated trees.

When I saw how they fed themselves by sticking their fingers in the hut floor, I figured the dirt would gradually lose whatever nourishment it contained, same as a farmer's fields soon lose their fertility. All plants I know about extract nitrogen and other minerals from the soil.

So I figured the Greenies would need fertilizer to make up for the depleted soil in their huts. It seemed simple to me.”

”Ummm. You were right, apparently. It was a great contribution to our work, and we are grateful.” He looked at Hanlon a long moment, then asked sharply, ”How did Rellos die?”

”A dog tore out his throat.”

”We know that--but you said you killed him.”

”Who d'you suppose sicced the dog on him? We were walking down the street, and I kicked the dog's pup to death. When she charged, I pushed Rellos in her path, and it was him the dog killed.”

”Ah! Good! Very unusual! Most ... uh ... ingenious!” The Leader seemed pleased, but slowly his smile died and he frowned again. ”All this makes me want to believe you, Hanlon, but somehow I can't seem to rid myself of the belief that you still are connected with the Corps. Oh, I know,”

as Hanlon started to protest, ”all about your dismissal and disgrace, and the fight you had with some of your former cla.s.smates a few days later. Incidentally, wasn't it rather straining coincidence that it was an admiral who came along just in time to save you? You see, all that could easily have been done on purpose. I'm ... uh ... not that simple, young man.”