Part 26 (1/2)
[_1st Cut._] [_3rd Grooves._]
_Near the Tower. A Street in London._
_People are seen gazing from windows and balconies.
Slow military music is heard behind the scenes.
It gradually approaches U.E.L. Enter a procession of Soldiers, in the midst ARTHUR bare-headed.
He looks up to a balcony, where FLORENCE is standing--she waves a handkerchief and throws it to him. He kisses it, and placing it in his bosom, smiles, then slowly exeunt, U.E.R._
_Enter BASIL hurriedly, L. FLORENCE comes from the door of the house to meet him. She is dressed in a white robe._
_Bas._ Well, madam, how is it! To live or die?
_Flor._ Oh! hasten, hasten. They are gone; you may Fall down, be stopp'd, give me the pardon--quick!
_Basil._ No! I think not. I'll take it. Think you of Your promise--will you keep it?
_Flor._ Yes! yes! if I live A month, I will be thine.
_Basil._ Tis well! I go: I am a little lame, but shall be there, I do protest, in time. They give some moments To stale device of prayer; as if they car'd For him they slay--What! anxious? So am I, That have so great a stake in this event, To save a brother and to gain a wife--
[_Kisses the tips of his fingers._]
A rivederci, as the Italian saith. [_Goes out, U.E.R._]
_Flor._ The hands of yonder clock do pierce my heart Like daggers till he comes. O G.o.d! forgive me, Let me but know him safe, and die of joy, Ere I have time to think upon the rest.
_Enter ELIZABETH, L., as if just risen. At the same time, WILLIAM and the HOST, accompanied by a Guard, pa.s.s by, from L. to U.E.R._
_Will._ This way, this way!
_Eliz._ Do you not hear the hollow bell still tolling?
_Flor._ There is no sound now--
_Eliz._ If my father said He should not die, it was to comfort me; Do not believe them, if they tell you so.
Give me your arm unto the scaffold, girl.
[_Florence hesitates._]
Jealous?--Is this a time?--What!--
[_Two or three Attendants come in._]
Then I'll go Alone-- [_She takes one of her Attendants by the arm._]
_Flor._ Nay, dear Elizabeth! his life Is sav'd--
_Eliz._ Believe them not; wilt thou not come?
Nay, then! [_Exit with Ladies, U.E.R._]