Part 4 (1/2)
”No,” he replied, with a shake of his head. ”She was the circus fat lady all right. It seems she missed the show-train, and came on in ours. And, when we stopped she got out, and went up ahead.
Part of the circus train, carrying the performers, was not damaged and that has gone on. The fat lady is with that, so one of the men said.”
”And, very likely, she has carried off our silver cup,” exclaimed Mrs. Bobbsey. ”Oh dear! Can you find her later, Richard?”
”I think so. But it will take some time. The circus is going to Danville--that's a hundred miles from here. But I will write to the managers there, and ask them to get our cup from the fat lady.”
”But where is Snoop?” asked Freddie, with much anxiety.
”I don't know, my dear,” answered Mr. Bobbsey. ”I asked the circus men if they had seen him, but they were too busy to remember. He may be running around some where. But we can't wait any longer. We must get home. I'll speak to one of the switchmen, who stay around here, and if they see Snoop I'll have them keep him for us. We'll come back to-morrow and inquire.”
”But we want Snoop now!” exclaimed Freddie, fretfully.
”I'm afraid we can't get him,” said Mrs. Bobbsey, gently. ”Come, children, let's go home now, and leave it to papa. Oh, to think of your lovely silver cup being gone!”
”Snoop is worse,” said Flossie, almost crying.
”I--I'm sorry I let the fat lady take the cup,” spoke Freddie.
”Oh, you meant all right, my dear,” said his mamma, ”and it was very kind of you. But we really ought to start. We may miss a trolley.
Come, Dinah, can you carry all you have?”
”'Deed an' I can, Mrs. Bobbsey. But I suah am sorry 'bout dat ar'
”Oh, it wasn't your fault, Dinah,” said Nan quickly. ”He is getting to be such a big cat that he can easily push the slats off his box, now. We must make it stronger next time.”
Flossie and Freddie wondered if there would be a ”next time,” for they feared Snoop was gone forever. They did not worry so much about the silver cup, valuable as it was.
With everyone in the little party carrying something, the Bobbsey family set off across the fields toward the distant trolley line that would take them nearly home. The moon was well up now, and there was a good path across the fields. Nan and Bert were talking about the wreck, and recalling some of the funny incidents of catching the circus animals.
Flossie and Freddie were wondering whether they would ever see their pet cat again. They had had him so long that he seemed like one of the family.
”Maybe he ran off and joined the circus,” said Flossie.
”Maybe,” spoke her brother. ”But he can't do any tricks, so they won't want him in a show.”
”He can so do tricks! He can chase his tail and almost grab it.”
”That isn't a trick.”
”It is so--as much as standing on your head.”
”Children--children--I don't know what I'll do with you if you don't stop that constant bickering,” said Mrs. Bobbsey. ”You must not dispute so.”
”Well, mamma, but isn't chasing your tail a trick?” asked Flossie.
”Freddie says it isn't.”
”Well, it isn't a circus trick, anyhow,” declared her brother. ”I meant a circus trick.”