Part 4 (2/2)
”Well, Snoop is a good cat, anyhow,” went on Flossie, ”and I wish we had him back.”
”Oh, so do I!” exclaimed Freddie, and thus that little dispute ended.
They were walking along through a little patch of woods now, when Bert, who was the last one in line, suddenly called out:
”Something is coming after us!”
”Coming after us? What do you mean?” asked Nan quickly, as she hurried to her father's side.
”I mean I've been listening for two or three minutes now, to some animal following after us along the path. Some big animal, too.”
Flossie and Freddie both ran back and took hold of their mother's hands.
”Don't scare the children, Bert,” said Mr. Bobbsey, a bit sternly.
”Did you really hear something?”
”Yes, father. It's some animal walking, behind us. Listen and you can hear it yourself.”
They all listened. It was very quiet. Then from down the hard dirt path they all heard the ”pit-pat, pit-pat” of the footsteps of some animal. It was coming on slowly.
For a moment Mr. Bobbsey thought of the wild animals of the circus.
In spite of what the men had said perhaps one of the beasts might have escaped from its cage. The others in the little party evidently thought the same thing. Mrs. Bobbsey drew her children more closely about her.
”'Deed an' if it's one ob dem elephants,” said Dinah, ”an' if he comes fo' me I'll jab mah hat pin in his long nose--dat's what I will!”
”It can't be an elephant,” said Mr. Bobbsey. ”One of the big beasts would make more noise than that. It may be one of the monkeys--I don't see how they could catch them all--they were so lively and full of mischief.”
”Oh, if it's a monkey, may we keep it?” begged Flossie. ”I just love a monkey.”
”Mercy, child! What would we do with it around the house?” cried Mrs. Bobbsey. ”Richard, can you see what it is?”
Mr. Bobbsey peered down the road.
”I can see something,” he said. ”It's coming nearer.”
”Oh dear!” cried Nan, trembling with fear.
Just then a bark sounded--a friendly bark.
”It's a dog!” said Mrs. Bobbsey. ”Oh, I'm so glad it wasn't--an elephant,” and she hugged Freddie and Flossie.
”Pooh! I wasn't afraid!” cried Freddie. ”If it had been an elephant I--I'd give him a cookie, and maybe he'd let me ride home on his back.”
The animal barked louder now, and a moment later he came into sight on a moonlit part of the path. The children could see that it was a big, s.h.a.ggy white dog, who wagged his tail in greeting as he walked up to them.
”Oh, what a lovely dog!” cried Nan, ”I wonder where he belongs?”
The fine animal came on. Bert snapped his fingers, boy-fas.h.i.+on.